CASP Tutorial-101 Project

This tutorial demonstrates how to execute model on target hardware.


·         Tutorial-1 should be completed.

Hardware Required

·         Arduino Uno development board with USB cable.

·         Suitable connecting wires


·         Arduino Uno development board is used as target hardware.

·         Sinusoidal signal generator block output is rooted through PWM port to vary intensity of connected LED.

Hardware Circuit

·         Connect pin 3 (PWM pin) and pin 13 (LED pin) of Arduino Uno board.

Step 1: Create New Project

·         Follow steps mentioned in Tutorial-1.

Step 2: Select Target Hardware

·         Select target hardware as shown below.

·         Select relevant COM port in ‘Connected Port’ field where Arduino Uno board is connected. This port is used to program the board.

Step 3: Creating Model

·         Create a model as shown in below figure. Leave signal generator parameters to default.

·         Configure TargetHw IO block as shown below. Input Range From(To) values indicated in below figure should match with output amplitude range of signal generator.

Step 4: Setup Simulation Parameters

·         Setup simulation parameters as shown below

Step 5: Build Model and Program Hardware

·         Press Build/Run button from Home->Simulation menu item. CASP builds and compiles the model and generates a binary file. The binary file is then programmed to target hardware on selected port Step-2.

·         LED brightness can be seen varying smoothly with frequency of 1Hz.