CASP Support For VEGA Series Microprocessor Development Boards
VEGA Microprocessors are a series of high performance microprocessors based on open source RISC-V instruction set architecture (ISA). These microprocessors are developed by C-DAC, India. This page describes how to get started with some of the VEGA Microprocessor development boards supported by CASP. It also includes examples and real world projects to help user to kick start their journey with these home grown processors. Currently Aries v3.0, Aries v2.0, Aries Micro v1.0 and Aries IoT v1.0 development boards are supported.
Getting Started
System Requirements
- Microprocessor development board with accessories such as USB cable etc.
- Desktop PC or Laptop with Windows 7 64-bit or above operating system installed
- USB drivers supporting the microprocessor board shall be installed on the Desktop PC or Laptop. Latest CP210X USB drivers for Aries IoT v1.0, Aries Micro v1.0, Aries v2.0, Aries v3.0 boards can be downloaded from OEM website. Alternatively, you may download from our website at this link.
Install CASP Software & Board Support Package
- Download and install latest version of CASP as described in this page –
- Download and install required CASP Board Support Package (BSP) files for the VEGA Microprocessor boards from the above mentioned download page. More specifically, for VEGA Aries Series boards, user may download the two (.lib and .htc) BSP files from these links – and
- Optionally, the tool chain (.htc) file may also be downloaded and installed as an alternative to above mentioned tool chain (.htc) file.
- Procedure to Install the BSP files is described in this video –
Below examples are provided, targeting VEGA Aries v2.0 development board to enable novice users to start experimenting with these processors. User may also try experimenting with the CASP examples provided at this link with VEGA Microprocessor boards as target. This requires minor modifications with respect to pin configuration and other settings specific to the Vega Microprocessor target. Users are encouraged to go through our video tutorials and try to build the same (which ever applicable) on VEGA Microprocessor boards supported by CASP.
Peripheral Interfacing

Handle GPIO interrupts, 7-segment display and transfer data through serial port with Aries V2.0
Using GPIO Interrupts

Control a servo and a stepper motor by varying voltage at ADC input with Aries V2.0
Interfacing with Servo & Stepper Motor

Measure distance of an object with ultrasonic distance sensor (HC-SR04) with Aries V2.0
Interfacing with Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (HC-SR04)

Measure accelerometer and gyroscope values from MPU-6050 with Aries V2.0
Interfacing with MPU-6050/9250 IMU
Interfacing with LiDAR_TFMini

Measure & Display Motor Speed on Four Cascaded MAX-72xx Dot Matrix LED Display Modules.
Interfacing with MAX-72xx Dot Matrix LED Display Module

Measure & Display Motor Speed on a SSD1360 OLED Display Module.
Interfacing with SSD1360 (I2C) based OLED Display Module.

Read / Write operations with Micro SD Card Module.
Interfacing with Micro SD Card Module

Read GPS time and location data
Interfacing with NEO-6M GPS Module

Demonstrates how to interface with MCP320x ADCs and transfer the data to the host PC at sub-milli second latency.
Interfacing with MCP320x ADCs
Serial Communication

Demonstrates how to interface with UART to RS485 module and establish RS485 communication network with host PC.
RS485 Communication

Demonstrates how to interface with ENC28J60 module and establish low latency Ethernet communication with host PC
Interfacing with ENC28J60 Ethernet Module

Demonstrates how to interface with W5500 module and establish low latency Ethernet communication with host PC
Interfacing with W5500 Ethernet Module

Demonstrates how to establish low latency communication with host PC
Low Latency Communication with Host PC

Demonstrates how to interface with ESP8266 module and establish WiFi communication with host PC .
Interfacing with ESP8266 WiFi Module

Demonstrates how to communicate between two LoRa WIR-1286/1186/1143 modules.
Interfacing with LoRa WIR-1286/1186/1143 Modules
Internet of Things (IoT)

Demonstrates how to monitor and control analog & digital IOs from host PC through WiFi.
Monitoring and Control of Analog & Digital IOs from Host PC

Demonstrates how to monitor and control analog & digital IOs from a Web Browser through WiFi
Monitoring and Control of Analog & Digital IOs from Web Browser

Demonstrates how to communicate between a remote computer and a micro-controller board located at different geographical locations through IoT MQTT protocol.
Communication between two IoT Devices using MQTT Protocol

Demonstrates how to monitor various on-board sensor data of Aries IoT board from host PC through WiFi.
Monitoring various on-board sensor data of Aries IoT v1.0 from Host PC
In addition to the above examples, below projects are provided to enable user to better understand how to use CASP for real world applications. Please click on a project to view detailed documentation on how to build the project. Users are encouraged to try CASP projects by re-targetting them to Vega Aries hardware.